You were fearless,
you came and laid down right beside me on my technicolored beach towel and
didn’t even know who I was. You spent a whole week with my seven closest
friends and I in Virginia Beach and it was like we had known you forever. I
don’t think you wore shoes that whole time, or even a shirt for that matter. You
told your friends you got to spend the week with “7 super models”. That always
made me smile. Your smile made me smile. You called people “lunchboxes,” and I
never understood it, but I loved it. There wasn’t a day that went by where you
didn’t tell us all how much we meant to you and because of that you’ll always
have a special place in my heart. You called me every day just to make sure I
wouldn’t forget you. I could never forget you.
The more I got to know you the more I could see the pain inside. You
never talked about it really but I could see you staring blankly into the abyss
at times. I began to worry because the last few times we spoke you told me to
“hurry up and move out here already,” and that soon you’d either be in “jail or
dead.” Jail didn’t happen. I should have
moved sooner. I still wish you hadn’t taken your life, but I thank god for
bringing you into mine. You showed me how to love in such a short amount of
time. My Angel.