Tuesday, October 9, 2012


 You were fearless, you came and laid down right beside me on my technicolored beach towel and didn’t even know who I was. You spent a whole week with my seven closest friends and I in Virginia Beach and it was like we had known you forever. I don’t think you wore shoes that whole time, or even a shirt for that matter. You told your friends you got to spend the week with “7 super models”. That always made me smile. Your smile made me smile. You called people “lunchboxes,” and I never understood it, but I loved it. There wasn’t a day that went by where you didn’t tell us all how much we meant to you and because of that you’ll always have a special place in my heart. You called me every day just to make sure I wouldn’t forget you. I could never forget you.  The more I got to know you the more I could see the pain inside. You never talked about it really but I could see you staring blankly into the abyss at times. I began to worry because the last few times we spoke you told me to “hurry up and move out here already,” and that soon you’d either be in “jail or dead.”  Jail didn’t happen. I should have moved sooner. I still wish you hadn’t taken your life, but I thank god for bringing you into mine. You showed me how to love in such a short amount of time. My Angel.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Change the World....

My teacher shared these with us yesterday as his parting words of advice and I thought I'd share them with y'all. With these fundamentals I truly believe we're guaranteed to live a long life of love and happiness.

1. Change Yourself- “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” If there is something in your life that is bringing you down, or you're not happy with don't be afraid to change it. Change is one of the hardest things to do but it could be the most rewarding.
2. You are in control- We are masters of our own fate! God is here to guide us, but he gave us free will so we could make our own decisions.
3. Forgive & let go-Letting go and forgiving those who have done you wrong will lead you down the path of healing and peace. without taking action, little will get accomplished
4.Without action you aren't going anywhere-“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.”
Without taking action,  very little will get accomplished.It's not easy and I think that's why a lot of us just give up. To really get where you want to go and to really understand yourself and the world in which you live in, we need to practice!  It's important for us to find what we love to do and in return we'll find the inner motivation to keep going like the energizer bunny. Don't give up
5.Take care of this moment- Stay in the present as much as possible.We can't change the past and the future hasn't happened yet so why waste time thinking about it. Living in the moment gives us clarity, calmness and positivity. We need to learn how to live as much as we can in the only moment that we ever actually live in and control, the present moment!
6.Everyone is human- No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes, holding people to unreasonable standards will only result in negativity within ourselves. Its also important that we don't beat ourselves up over our own mistakes. We live and we learn.
7.Persist-“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
 It's important for us to find what we love to do and in return we'll find the inner motivation to keep going like the energizer bunny. Don't give up
8. See the good in people & help them- This is something hard to do , but it can be accomplished. There is pretty much always something good in every person. We can't pass judgement on people we come across in life, we don't know what their life is like or what internal battles they may be fighting. I ask god every day to give me the strength to see the good in all people.
9. Be your true self- There's nothing better then being authentic in your actions and words. If your communication is aligned people will be more receptive to you and therefore you'll achieve inner enjoyment
10-Continue to grow & evolve-Life is all about growing and evolving as a person and to do so will result in a much more happier, healthier you!